It’s a Revolution & Sage Won’t Save You (Copy)

Short, brutal honesty? Because that’s what I would want, that is what I will offer you. That sage stick will not save you; those crystals collecting dust will never calm the chaos. The real revolution in spirituality can not be bought on Etsy, it has no price tag - it starts within you.

Everywhere we turn we are sold on this notation that spirituality can be “bought”. I mean do you really think you can buy it from your local Target?! For fucks sake - no…. the answer is a solid no. The idea that spirituality is all “love and light” paired with beautiful shiney tools is found in a million Facebook ads, Instagram posts, top selling books, and even at your local Walmart. Cold truth coming from a warm hearted women - it’s all a facade to get into your wallet. I know this from experience, from dropping countless thousands of dollars to get nowhere closer to the “answers” but closer to nothing but cobwebs left in my pockets. The truth? Spirituality is raw, messy, and downright uncomfortable as fuck - oh and it comes from within - not from the $300 the metaphysical store soaked you for when you really didn’t have it to give.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I love a good tarot deck, and a shiny new pyrite stone just as much as the next person. But if you’re thinking that tarot deck holds all the answers, and that beautiful pyrite is going to make money rain from the skies, or that sage stick you light on the regular is going to “clear” anything, you are dead ass wrong. The only thing you have to look forward to is a a fuck ton of disappointment.

These tools, and thousands of others I could not even begin to list, are exuberantly amazing amplifiers for what is already within you. Without seeking within, all those outward tools are as useless as a set of car keys with no car. So why do so many people sing their praises about all the transformations these tools have brought them? Are they full of complete bullshit? The answer is, yes and no. Some of course are full of absolute shit, because well they want your money and are more than willing to bullshit you and anyone else who will listen to get it. Of course, I do not believe this is the intent of everyone, we also have those whom these tools have seriously changed their lives on unspeakable, miraculous levels - and they want nothing more than to share their joy and success with the world in the genuine hopes others will experience the same as they have.

So your best friend, Aunt’s boyfriend’s daughter bought herself a beautiful stone and held it every time she read the latest and greatest self-help book. A few months later, she is happily married, sitting on a fat stash of cash, living a life most only dream of. Your best friend calls you to tell you all about it, and you both run out to get that exact stone and that same book, and you just know this is it, this is where the page turns and your life is going to explode with all your hopes and dreams unfolding right before your eyes. Six months go by and nothing, so you decide you just need a more powerful stone, and for sure need to sage the shit out of yourself and everything you own. And that book? It just wasn’t the “one”, so you purchase 10 more, because the more you read the more you will “know” and the closer you will be to the life you dream of. A few more months go by, and nada. So you do it all over again, the reading the researching, the buying the magic fix. You get the idea, the vicious cycle continues, you research more, buy the newest latest, and greatest, and then rinse and repeat with a fuck ton of frustration and no results between cycles. What your best friend, Aunts boyfriend’s daughter failed to mention (because she did not even realize) was that she did the inner work, she healed, and she had a fuck ton of personal intention infused in that one tiny stone that turned her whole life around. She didn’t know, and likely never will know, it was her that was the magic, it was her belief in the stone, and in the words she read, not the book, not the stone - it all came from within.

The gates to spirituality do not magically open from moon baths (though highly recommended, let’s save that for another day), and wishful thinking. It’s not pretty, it’s not sexy, it’s sure as shit, not the picture-perfect Insta post, and quite honestly it’s not fucking easy. It’s hard, it’s painful, it’s crying in the shower wondering what the fuck is this even all for. But the tears dry, the pain becomes joy, and life becomes easy - the way it was always meant to be lived, and you realize it was beyond worth it, and you only wish you knew sooner it was needed because it is so fucking worth it.

The revolution isn’t about following “trends”, or buying the new “quick fix”. It’s about you - standing in your own fucking power and ditching all you have been told and rewriting your life as you see fit. If you are relying on the sage to “save” you, I wish you luck but I would be willing to bet getting uncomfortable and trudging through the “ugly” will be the turning point in your life.

Your sage stick won’t save you, but you can save yourself - the power has always been yours.