Let me take ya back some years when this all really started. Some time ago when I was a stay at home Mom to 5 I suddenly found myself divorced. I had been completely reliant for 15 years and here I was single. 5 kids, being evicted, no vehicle of my own and no job- fun times! The short of the long part of this is, this is when I started some serious mindset work- reading all the books, journaling, diving into manifestation practices, and affirming to myself I would get through this momentary shit show that was my life.  

I kept doing all the things and this is what happened…. I found my tribe, an amazing group of friends that were there for me and were always uplifting me, I got a job I loved and made good money at, I got a home for me and my kids in the exact location I was hoping to be in, I financed myself a truck…. Life was quite literally fucking beautiful!! My vibrations where sky fucking high and those high vibes were signaling more and more good…. The good literally just kept getting better and better!

Now let’s fast forward to why and how I got to where I am now doing what I’m doing. After getting my life into near perfect order I decided to remarry my husband and move 11 hours away from home.

Here I am almost 4 years into the move and I have a fucking problem- all the things I thought I hated back home-I miss, all those people who lifted me up when I needed them most- I miss them with my entire being. So, does life suck now? No. But is it fucking beautiful like it was those years ago? Also no. 

I fell into some weird depression after realizing all I had given up. And then it hit me, that state of depression, of feeling stuck, of feeling there is so much more to life I am missing out on, all those shit feelings where doing a whole shit ton of nothing for me, besides bringing my vibrations to a all time low, bringing nothing but more low vibe shit - it was clear I needed to woman the fuck up (again). It was also crystal clear my personal frequency was playing a massive role on what was or was not happening around me.

I already flipped my life around once, so of course I got this. Went directly back to doing all those things I did before (actually I should have never stopped- it’s a lifestyle, not a quick fix) to pull myself out of that mess I told ya’ll about earlier. Here I am now headed down a beautiful road of authenticity and I am doing it my way- and it feels so good, so fucking liberating, every single women out there should get to experience this feeling.

And that is exactly WTF I am doing, but this time I’m creating a powerful ass storm and taking alllllll the ladies that are done with the shit (whatever that may be for ya’ll) with me to take dreams and turn them reality, to live the limitless life we are meant to be living, to know and hold the standard high as fuck for our worth…. To make women an unstoppable force all while building a kick ass, tight knit tribe.