Are you like a million other women out there where it seems as if time is just something you never seem to have? Your tired of always being sick and tired of the same shit different day, ya know there is more to life cause no fuckin way this is “it”, ya want to do something about it, you’re ready for some help and direction but then that pesky thing of “time” takes over cause ya simply can’t stretch yourseld thinner than you already are.

This beaut right here has your name written all over it. You have me, right in your back pocket on the spot via text, messaging or email (cause we all don’t have time to stop and video chat). That’s right, boss is being a asshole, kids being bad, job interview coming up and ya got no idea how to turn the switch off of the BS or really want this job but no clue how to call it into existence… I got ya…..we got this together. All access Alchemy Mentoring when and where you need it. You will also get a 1:1 with yours truly once a week for a hour this can be done via a quick phone call or a quick video chat so we can chat about what’s working, what’s not and how we can get it handled.

All the goodness you will be receiving:

Personalized Coaching Sessions: You'll receive regular one-on-one coaching sessions tailored to your specific needs and goals. These sessions are conducted via video or calls, allowing us to connect face-to-face no matter where you are.

  1. Unlimited Support: Have a burning question or need guidance between sessions? No problem! You'll have unlimited access to me via text, messenger, or email, ensuring that support is always just a message away.

  2. Weekly Check-ins: We'll touch base weekly to track your progress, celebrate your wins, and address any challenges or obstacles that may arise along the way. These check-ins keep you accountable and motivated to stay on track toward your goals.

  3. Customized Resources: In addition to our coaching sessions, you'll receive personalized resources, tools, and exercises to support your growth and development. These resources are tailored to your unique needs and preferences, empowering you to continue your journey of self-discovery between sessions.

  4. Accountability and Encouragement: As your mentor, I'll be your biggest cheerleader and accountability partner, cheering you on every step of the way and helping you stay focused and motivated to achieve your dreams.

  5. Bonus Workshops and Trainings (membership plan): Throughout the program, you'll also have access to bonus workshops and trainings on mindset, manifestation, and other topics related to personal growth and development. These additional resources enhance your learning experience and provide valuable insights to support your journey

Not feeling like text, email, or messaging is your thing? Needing something more structured? No worries babe, I got you! Just like the ladies on the go, you are sick of the shit, life seems to be nothing short of stagnant and mundane. You know you have nowhere reached your potential but also don’t have a fuckin clue how to reach it. But having to stop what your doing and consciously remember to reach out is just not in the cards for you. You are craving that shift but need some more 1:1 based mentorship.

This is where it’s at! You and I together will come up with a schedule where we will meet 1:1 via video or phone call….this is totally based off your comfort level as well as your convenience. You got it… You will have my undivided attention 2-3 days (to be determined once we get to chatting about your personal needs) a week for a hour each session.

Together we will find that dream living bad ass that has always been with you…. she has just been hiding in the shadows but we are going to bring her to the surface….with a vengeance.

Included in your 1:1 mentorship program:

  1. Personalized Coaching Sessions: You'll receive dedicated 1:1 coaching sessions tailored to your unique goals, challenges, and aspirations. These sessions will be conducted via video or phone call, providing a comfortable and convenient space for deep exploration and growth.

  2. Tailored Schedule: Together, we'll create a personalized schedule that works for you, taking into account your availability and preferences. Whether it's two sessions a week or three, we'll find the rhythm that best supports your journey.

  3. Focused Attention: During each session, you'll have my undivided attention as we dive deep into the areas of your life where you're seeking transformation. We'll explore mindset shifts, practical strategies, and actionable steps to help you overcome obstacles and unleash your full potential.

  4. Accountability and Support: Between sessions, you'll have ongoing support and accountability to keep you on track toward your goals. Whether it's checking in via email, text, or messenger, I'll be here to cheer you on, offer guidance, and celebrate your progress every step of the way.

  5. Customized Guidance and Resources: Throughout our mentorship journey, you'll receive personalized guidance, tools, and resources to support your growth and development. From mindset exercises to manifestation practices, we'll tailor our approach to meet your needs and help you cultivate lasting change.

  6. Transformational Results: Together, we'll uncover the badass version of yourself that's been waiting to emerge. With dedication, commitment, and a little bit of badassery, you'll step into your power and create a life that's truly aligned with your deepest desires.